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Allison Barnes

that really stinks! I am so sad! It's always the highlight of my week when I open my mailbox and get my Simple. I have such fond memories working and traveling with you and Stacy for the magazine! Good times!

Are you out of a job? Love you!.... Allison


Oh Wendy :( I'm so sad for Simple! So so sad :(

Stephanie Howell

i wish you all the luck in the world.
i've loved working w/ you.


huge hugs to you wendy. lova ya girl!

Nancy Nally

Wendy, I'm so sad for all of you there...Simple is irreplaceable.

Alison Lindhardt

I am so sorry about this I loved this magazine and received so much inspiration from the simple girls.

Carmel Keane

I am very sorry to read this news. SS is the only magazine I have ever felt okay about spending money on (overseas rates) I do hope the philosophy behind it can continue. Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the magazine and has shared their wonderful talent and ideas with us all.

Carmel Keane (aka Meelie) New Zealand


I was so saddened to hear this news today. While I am looking forward to hearing your voice and seeing your influence in the newest version of Creating Keepsakes, I'm thinking of you and this news is affecting your life. I hope this will open a new door for you, with new opportunities and even more awesome memories. Best Wishes!

angie lucas

Wendy, the possibilities really ARE endless for you. This is so, so sad...but if I've learned anything in the last 5 years, it's to have faith in YOU Wendy Smedley!


I am saddened to learn of the loss of Simple not just to the loyal readers of it but to those who made it what it was.

It was my only subscription and I can't see me moving to CK - tried it didn't like it. But it means more $$ for BPS classes so I guess it's not all bad...

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