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Jessica C.

So funny! I just noticed these little ladies in the form of salt & pepper shakers at Anthropologie this past weekend. So cute! I especially love the little cell phone pouch you found(because who doesn't need another little bag to carry around? *eye roll*). Thanks for enabling. :)


I think Tia Bennett already did..


I was thinking the exact same thing a couple of weeks ago. They have been all over the indie art stuff, which seems to be setting the sb industry tone lately. It will be interesting to see if there are matryoska sightings at CHA-S.

Katie Scott

I have lots of Russian friends who would LOVE this stuff!


You know, I could really use some paper like this....I had two sons who went to Russia on missions....


It is cool and I wonder why it is becoming more trendy


Where did you get the Matryoska wrapping paper? DD got a real Russian Matryoska set for Easter from Grandma (Russian-Polish heritage) and she spent over 2 hours playing with it. We had to hide it to get her to come home!


Never mind - du\h. I see the link in the post. Off to explore!


tia bennett! http://tiabennett.typepad.com/silly_as_it_sounds/2008/03/kits-available.html


I think october afternoon would do something with them. looks like it would fit with their line. I like them.

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